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Privacy Policy

Data Protection Officer

Valérie Joly is appointed as data protection delegate.


What personal data is collected?

  • Name

  • First name

  • E-mail

  • Address

  • Phone


For what purposes?

  • Contact the company Chalet Le Val Ness via a form for a request, a question, etc.

  • Statistics of visits and navigation on this site via Google Analytics


Duration of retention of personal data

The personal data mentioned above (excluding Google Analytics) is kept for 24 months.

Google Analytics statistics are retained for 26 months.


Consent request

For each personal data, the consent of the person is requested either by means of a check box or by clicking on an Accept button.


Right to personal data

According to the law of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the customer has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him. He can exercise this by contacting the company Chalet Le Val Ness.

Only Chalet Le Val Ness processes this data. The personal data collected on this site are not communicated, free of charge or in exchange, to third party companies.

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